Before we can show you a list of women who live near you that are ready to have sex right now, we need to ask a few questions to make sure you qualify. This ensures the safety of all users of this site.
In addition, our CumSmart™ Technology will use your answers to match you with a woman that you are most likely to fuck. This gets our users laid 40% faster than any other site.
Many of these women are desperate single moms, cheating wives, and older cougars looking for a quick and easy sex encounter. Women enjoy this site because we are very strict on privacy.
Do you agree to keep all photos, videos, and profile information discreet & private?
YESOur women have repeatedly asked us to reject men that are seeking a "relationship". Girls are here for quick no strings attached sex only. No serious dating or marriage.
Are you OK with this?
YESWomen on this site generally like to make the first move. Each time that you login, you will likely notice multiple fuck requests waiting.
Do you agree to be polite and respond to each request, even if you are not interested? This keeps our women comfortable with contacting men directly for hookups.
YESOur women prefer mature men over the age of 25 years old. Men over this age receive 60% more sex requests than younger men. Therefore, users over this age will receive a highlighted profile so they're easier to find.
Are you over the age of 25?
YESNOWe have detected a shortage of men in your area. You have been selected to receive 1 FREE LIFETIME ACCOUNT to help speed up matches for female members nearby that are searching for men right now.
PLEASE NOTE: Our system will automatically reserve your spot for the next 15 minutes. After that time, if you choose not to claim this offer, it will expire and be extended to other qualified users.
Do you understand and agree to our terms?